Friday, August 30, 2013

Ultrasound appointment :)

Today I had an ultrasound to check on Aizlee's progress. First and foremost, Aizlee is doing great and super healthy!! She is measuring a bit ahead of schedule but supposedly I need not worry about this. She is measuring at 31 weeks 5 days and weighs 3 lbs 13 ounces already. Some things haven't changed in the fact that she is still practicing to become a gymnast. She kept putting her feet in front of her face :) LOL She is also still breech but people keep assuring me that there is still time for her to turn. I am a bit on the concerned side about one thing as the ultrasound tech said there wasn't a lot of fluid in there. I'm not sure how this can be possible as I drink water constantly. I intend on asking my doctor about this next Friday at my OB visit.

These days I am feeling tired, swollen and extremely hot!! I hope this heats decides to break pretty soon as I'm not sure how much more I can take. I'm just consider myself super lucky that I work in air conditioning :)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

29 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted a blog but I wanted to have something to post :)
I am so excited to be at week 29! I am overwhelmed with feelings of excitement :) I want Miss Aizlee to stay in there and cook but I just can't wait to meet and hold her. I just went for my last monthly OB visit this past Friday. Everything is checking out nicely and she is measuring a week ahead of schedule. Luckily I have only gained 9 lbs and my doctor said this is superb!
I have been trying to work on her room little by little due to lack of energy and funds but I think it is coming along quite nicely.

First was the painting

Then came the curtains (That are now hemmed but I don't have a picture of this :))

Then came the crib. There was a bit of a hiccup here as Wal-Mart sold out of the crib I had searched a month and a half for. I then ordered it from unfortunately for $100 more. That company sent the wrong crib. Thankfully, they did because I ended up getting it from directly for the original $100 less price :)

This last week has begun the really fun part of decorating and getting the bedding prepared. It is just looking so adorable. I just love her vinyl lettering I ordered!!

Feeling very excited for my upcoming baby shower on September 8th. I can't wait to see some friends and family I don't get to see often enough and celebrate the coming of Aizlee :) :) :) :)