Tuesday, April 30, 2013

12 weeks

Hello All!
Sorry it has been a while since I have been on here but I haven't had a whole lot of new experiences to share. I had an appointment with my OB on Monday which just consisted of general questions and going over blood work results.During the appointment we discussed moving up my due date. My date has been moved to November 10th instead.. This will make me officially 13 weeks this Sunday!!! So very exciting :) She did discuss with me a blood test that was done on me by the other doctor that I didn't like. I received a call last week saying that I had tested positive for Methylenetetrahyerofolate (or MTHFR deficiency). After meeting with my doctor she said that she does not normally test for this and that it is 'old school'. She ordered other tests to support it after these tests results which all came out perfectly fine. End result though, I have to keep taking an 81mg aspirin, and 800mcg extra of folic acid until 6 weeks after I give birth. No biggie :)
In my town I work for the local community college. I remembered someone stating that we have a sonography program and the lights went on in my head yesterday! I was able to get a hold of the coordinator of that program and they were able to fit me in on their last day of clinic today so that I could help a student out and get to see my 'little one' at the same time. IT WAS AMAZING!! "Little One" is getting so big!! Moving all around and beating the heck out of my uterus. LOL Their equipment is a little old school so I am not quite sure about the accuracy of the heartbeat but I feel very fortunate. I am so incredibly stoked for 18 weeks when hopefully I will be able to find out the sex of my child :)

As for me, I am starting to feel a bit more energy which is great! I was having such a hard time with motivation of any kind. Sleep was all I could think of. ZZZZZ
Things are becoming more of a solid reality for me. I find myself getting more excited everyday. One of my best friends has already started planning my baby shower and getting dates arranged. I feel so lucky to have so many supportive family members and friends!! As I am doing this journey alone it can feel pretty scary but I know in my heart that this is meant to be. That I was meant to be a Mama and that I will be the greatest one that I can possibly be :)
I am actually starting to show but kind of leery to put up pictures since I am such a big girl anyways. Maybe as things progress a bit further I will start to take pictures of my belly :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

10 weeks!!

I had my ultrasound today at the hospital and it went wonderfully :) Baby is measuring 10 weeks 4 days with a heartbeat of 174 bpm. I am so proud of my little one already for being such an trooper and growing so big!! It was such a relief today to have a nice person to show me things and talk to me while it was happening. I got to see my little one move its arms and legs and wave at me :) That is such an amazing feeling and I will never forget it. It is going to be very hard to have to wait until 18-20 weeks for another ultrasound but it will be so worth the wait and such a dramatic change from now.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

9 weeks 2 days

Trying not to freak out here :( I have been having spotting and bleeding for the last couple days. I am having such a hard time! I have so much fear in my heart that I may be miscarrying again. I did have a pap smear and a transvaginal ultrasound at my last appointment this past Tuesday. This is just so hard!!
If I could ask anyone who is reading this to send some positive thoughts or prayers my way, I would so appreciate anything at this point :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

8 weeks 5 days!!!!!!

Today was a good and bad day. 
Good news first :)
The baby is doing great!! I think I actually got to see the baby's hands and feet. The heartbeat was 186 bpm!!

Bad news :(
I had the worst experience at my first appointment at the local doctors office today. I miss my fertility clinic sooooo much!!! First of all, I had to see a doctor I didn't want to in order to get in for my first appointment work up without having to wait another 3 weeks. This doctor was completely awful, rude and crude. He would barely show me the screen during my ultrasound. I asked him if that was hands and feet that I saw and he didn't answer me. I asked what the heartbeat was and he didn't answer me. Luckily, I knew where to look to find out the bpm. He only did one measurement of the CRL. Which I believe to be incorrect. This man has no business being a doctor. I intend on reporting him to the administration of the hospital!!
Hopefully on April 29th at my next appointment I will be getting to see the doctor I want to see. I have heard nothing but good things about her. The only thing is that if there is any chance that man will have a remote chance of delivering my child I will have to find another office :(

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

7 weeks 5 days!!!!!!!

I had my 2nd ultrasound today and the baby actually measured at 8 weeks 2 days :) Also I got to see and hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time, 171 bpm!! HOW EXCITING THIS WAS!!!!!!!!!!
This was such a relief and a weight lifted after having lost my first baby to miscarriage. 
I am having all the lovely nausea, peeing every 5 minutes and could sleep all day if just someone would let me. If just my pesky work schedule wouldn't get in the way. LOL
I am doing this journey all on my own but have a wonderful support system of family and friends along the way which makes this even more special <3
I am new to blogging so I'm sure this will get better along the way :)